Sunday 13 November 2016

Why is an Operating System necessary?

Hey there, how are you doing?

In our previous article, we talked about "What is an operating system?", we also discussed its basic functionalities so in case if you have missed the previous article, do read it before jumping to this one. In this article, we'll be talking about why is it necessary for you to talk to your machine and what happens if you don't have it. Let's get started-

Operating System: A talking interface between you and computer

The operating system is an interface between your computer and you. It makes it easier for you to communicate to your system in your language and it converts your instructions to the computer language aka Binary Codes(1 and 0), where 0 means off and 1 means on. How interesting!

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What if you don't have an Operating System?

At this point, some people start thinking that a machine stops working if you don't have an operating system, but no my friend that isn't the complete truth. It stops working for you only as you don't understand what is it saying, without an operating system you have to talk to a machine in its own language to instruct it to do a specific task and it is certainly very hard. Infact without an os, a computer is practically unusable by anyone without a High Level of programming skill.

An operating system is a converter which converts the computer language and provides you the GUI(Graphical User Interface) so it gets easier for you to just click on icons and it does the job, but what happens behind the scenes? Well simply there is instruction set written for every operating which tells it what to do when user gives a specific instruction. It simply checks its book and convert the instruction provided by the user and gives you the output accordingly.
Read more about Graphical User Interface here

Now if you don't have an operating system, then to make your computer do something, you would have to talk to it in its known language. Microsoft  in the 1980s saw this problem and developed  CLI(Command Line Interface), often termed as CUI(Character User Interface) based OS called MS-DOS. It provided an interface between user and computer but it was still not easy for everyone to work it out and that's why an operating system with GUI was designed, for your ease and to do the job in seconds.
Read more about Command Line Interface here

Some more disadvantages of not having an Operating System

There are a few extra disadvantages you can face even if you learn the machine language and communicate to the computer. An operating system lets you connect and play with all your devices on the go. Now if you do not have an operating system, you manually have to configure them and then only they will work.

A nice example of this is, when you are to play a game and connect external device to your computer , like a gamepad, if you do not have an operating system, then you will have to configure the device manually for each game, and same applies to sound. If you want sound, then you will have to configure the soundcard manually. All this is horrible to even think about, life is made lot easier after operating systems came in, you can finally plug and play!

Operating system is the backbone of a machine, it makes things so comfortable and fast that you do not notice, thanks to the inventors.

So some of you must be interested to know more about Machine Languages, we for now shall be keeping them aside and will get back to them later. You can however learn more about Machine Language here.

In our next article we shall be talking about how to prepare your machine and install an operating system on it. That's all for today folks, hope to see you back, till then goodbye and have a great time ahead!

Visit our website if you need any kind of help:, live chat services are available and a support specialist will address you immediately.

In association with: Techbeards Ltd & --::Gamers Heaven::--

Monday 7 November 2016

The Operating System: A beginners guide

Hey there peeps! How are you all doing?

This is a pretty basic question that we may always wonder about: "What is an operating system?" and "How does it work?" So in this article, we'll be covering the basics and functionalities of an OS. Let's get started

What is an operating system?

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language.
Without an operating system, a computer is useless!

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The operating system's job

Your computer's operating system (OS) manages all of the software and hardware on the computer. Most of the time, there are several different computer programs running at the same time, and they all need to access your computer's central processing unit (CPU), memory, and storage. The operating system coordinates all of this to make sure each program gets what it needs.

So, in simple words, operating system's job is to ensure that all hardware and software on your computer are communicating and are working correctly, pretty important right?

Types of operating systems

Operating systems usually come pre-loaded on any computer you buy. Most people use the operating system that comes with their computer, but it's possible to upgrade or even change operating systems. The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Below are the screenshots of how each of them looks like:

Microsoft Windows

Microsoft windows is the most used operating system developed and released by Microsoft. The latest OS is knows as Windows 10.
Read more about it here

Mac OS X

macOS (originally named Mac OS X until 2012, then rebranded to OS X until 2016) is the current series of Unix-based graphical operating systems developed and marketed by Apple Inc. designed to run on Apple's Macintosh computers, having been preinstalled on all Macs since 2002.
Read more about it here


Linux is a Unix-like and mostly POSIX-compliant computer operating system (OS) assembled under the model of free and open-source software development and distribution.
Read more about it here

So these were a few examples of an operating system which are popular, there are mobile operating systems as well but we shall be covering Microsoft Windows, from basics to everything you need to know about it.

So some of you must be thinking that what happens if we do not have any operating system in our machine? This sometimes could be horrifying but we shall be talking about "Why an operating system is necessary for you to communicate with your machine in upcoming articles.

We will be covering every basic in articles like these and we start from easy and it gets complicated with each article. That's all for today folks, hope to see you back, till then goodbye and have a great time ahead!

Visit our website if you need any kind of help:, live chat services are available and a support specialist will address you immediately.

In association with: Techbeards Ltd & --::Gamers Heaven::--